The Union

The Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union is one of the largest blue collar unions in Australia with over 120,000 members in the building, construction, shipping, timber, furnishing and textile industries.
If you want to be a member of a union that sticks up for workers and isn’t afraid to take action, you need to be a member of the CFMEU.
The union’s successful bargaining campaigns continue to deliver fair wages and better conditions like superannuation, redundancy pay and income protection. These conditions were not gifted to us by the bosses. They were achieved through decades of struggle by the generations of members that came before us.
The CFMEU never compromises on safety. We back up our workplace health and safety representatives and give them the training they need to minimise risks to workers. In our industries you enforce your safety rights by being a member of the CFMEU.
The CFMEU has three Divisions:
Construction & General Division;
Maritime Union of Australia Division;
Manufacturing Division.
When you join the CFMEU you will become a member of the Division that covers your industry and be a member of that Division’s Branch in your state or territory.
The National CFMEU is managed by its National Executive that includes elected representatives from every Branch across the country from each Division.
Every two years the CFMEU National Conference meets to determine the policy of the broader union.
Each Division and Branch of the CFMEU operates with a degree of autonomy to ensure it can best represent the interests of their members.
The CFMEU is proudly a union run by its members for its members. Every four years members get the opportunity to elect their representatives to their committees of management.
The CFMEU is a strong progressive political voice in Australia that promotes diversity and inclusion, and lobbies governments for better outcomes for all workers.
Don’t wait. Become a member of the CFMEU today!